35 Track combines the innovative design of the 35 with the extensive performances of low voltage tracks.
A linear minimal element to perform indirect light effects, or direct task light when combined with the linear elements of the 35, static and dynamic; low glare dark louvre integral symmetric and asymmetric linear elements; low glare directional minimal track lights.
The linear elements explore spaces, illuminating them with diffused and accent light. Lights contributes to a relaxing and welcoming atmosphere, as well as defines spaces with different functions.
35 Track combines diffused uplight, with the maximum flexibility and the extensive performance of the 48Vdc tack, allowing for greater possibility of configuring the lighting system.
35 ensures comfortable architectural lighting, combining direct, indirect and accent diffused light, leaving freedom of choice of lighting and dimming.
35 enlighted 360° for diffused light (on the left), 35 Track with Nanoperfetto 48V spotlight (on the right)
35 with diffused direct uplight (on the left), 35 Track with Linea 48V linear spotlight (on the right)
35 with indirect uplight (on the left), 35 Track with indirect uplight and accent linear spotlight (on the right)
35 with indirect uplight (on the left), 35 Track with indirect uplight and suspensions (on the right)
The smoked diffuser enables a continuous effect of black finish when the light is off, giving the impression that the track and the diffuser are one and the same part. When switched on, the diffuser amazingly performs as indirect soft light.
Sample configuration of 35 Track freely combined with 35 linear system for configuring different indirect, direct or accent lighting effects.
If you need a lighting project support, please contact us.